HeLLO ! =) & WELCOME to mY * CRAZY & bEAUtifUL WoRLd * .
mY name iS LYNDA BLACK & i'M a Visual ARTiST { with BiPOLaR diSORdER . } from CaLGaRY , ALBeRtA , Canada. ♡

W e L C o M E tO MY ARtiSt WebSitE
ARt ShOP ! =)
EVeRYtHiNg you'll find is an ORiGiNAL , Handmade by Me witH LoTS
Of LOVE & iMAGiNAtiON ! ♡
i'Ve always believed that " witH a little iMAGiNAtiON ,the
ordinary can become something
* E X t R a O R d i N a R Y ! * "
ALL Of mY ART is > BLACk & WHiTE < and charmingly * ChiLdLiKe * -
and absolutely AdORABLe . ♡
♡ i believe , having *
*is the { secret }
tO CREatiNG * GReAT ARt * !! ♡
i tAke * iNSPiRatiON * from many ARt styles
- sUch as :
• AbStRACt ARt ✚ GRAPhiC dESiGN :
( AbStRACt ARt dOeS NOt depict the PhYSiCaL WoRLd REALiStiCaLLy, bUT instead ARt is a ViSUaL Language using the elements Of dESiGN : fORM , SPaCE, ShaPE , tEXtURe , COLoR , & LiNe tO CREatE a CoMPOSitiON , eXPReSSing
sUCh AbStRACt CONCepts
aS : eMOtiONS , thOUGhtS , & other iNtANGibLe eXPeRiENCeS of REALitY).
• MiNiMaLiSM :
( MiNiMaLiSt ARt is ARt that has been SiMPLifiEd OR deCONStRUCted tO eXpress only what is neccessary in conveying MeANiNg. it eMbRACeS the bEAUtY of simplicity ) .
• OUtSidER ARt / ARt bRUt :
( OUtSidER ARt / ARt bRUt , "RaW ARt" is ARt prOdUced bY PSYChiatRiC patientS and other " SOCiaL OUtCAStS " - sUCh as : " Primitive" , " NAiVe" ARt / fOLK ARt , CHiLdren'S ARt , the ARt Of the iNSANe / MENtALLY iLL , & StREEt ARt / GRAffitti . tHE ARtiStS are usually SELf - taUGht ).
• KAWaii :
( KAWaii iS an ARt StYLE fROM JAPAN that is a CULturaL phenOmenon ,emPhaSiZiNG cuteness, CHiLdLike innOcence, cHaRM, & simplicity ).
* i ALSO taKe inSPiRatiON from
+ ASeMiC WRitiNG
& the POeT : e. e. cummings .
i create most of mY ART when i'm in a
state * . (my ideas are overwhelming when i'M MANiC (!!) & once my mood , thoughts & energy levels have (somewhat) stabilized - and i get some *much needed * sleep (!!) , i will paint some of my (many) ideas on canvas. =)
• MaNiA* :
is a MENtAL iLLNeSS marked by periods of extreme excitement or euphoria, delusions, & overactivity
- Abnormally high levels of physical energy & mental activity
- Extreme happiness or excitement (euphoria) with or without disconnection from Reality (psychosis)
- Reduced need for sleep
- Inflated self-esteem / grandiosity / feelings of invincibility
- Increased talkativeness
- Flight of ideas / distractibility
- Increased creativity / enhanced experience of the arts
- Having false beliefs or perceptions / delusions
- Extreme and exaggerated behaviors
- Poor judgment / risky behavior
- Physical agitation (fidgeting and pacing)
- Hostility / thoughts of suicide
* [DISCLAIMER: i am not a qualified medical professional. this list of some of the common traits of MaNiA is for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose yourself or others. Please seek a qualified mental health professional such a doctor or therapist if you or someone you know has questions and/or concerns, or are exhibiting possible symptoms].
----------------> BIPOLAR DISORDER (also known as MANIC DEPRESSION) is a very difficult & severe Mental Illness to live with - it can drastically impact every aspect of your life & affects approx. 46 million people worldwide. The person living with Bipolar Disorder can experience EXTREME HIGHS (MaNiA), EXTREME LOWS (DePReSSioN), and BOTH MANIA & DEPRESSION (a MiXeD EPiSodE). There is also the lesser known condition of UNIPOLAR MANIA (which is what I have). Unipolar Mania is a form of Bipolar Disorder 1 where the person experiences only Manic episodes without Depression. BiPOLaR diSORdER is often very difficult to treat because the person suffering may sometimes not want treatment and / or think nothing is wrong. There is evidence that people living with a mood disorder such as BiPOLaR (and possibly some other MENtAL iLLNeSSeS) have a higher than average tendency towards creative expression & the arts (possibly due to how their brain is structured).
ART is a WoNDERfUL WaY for a person living with a MENTAL ILLNESS to express themselves. It also helps with healing mental & emotional trauma. ART has many positive affects on the bRAiN for both the ARtiSt & the ARt COLLectOR =)
> in the recent field of brain psychology called neuroaesthetics - brain imaging, biofeedback, and brain wave technology gather astonishing evidence of how the brain responds to art. Neuroarts studies how art and aesthetic experiences change the body, brain & behaviour.
- Enhances brain function by positively impacting brain wave patterns & regulating the nervous system
- Improves mental health by creating healthy connections in the creative areas of the brain
- Strengthens observation & analytical thought
- Improves empathy & memory
- Reduces and provides adaptive responses to stress & induces feelings of relaxation
- Stimulates the brain to make sense creatively of visual information
- Raises serotonin levels to positively impact emotions
- Creates a positive response in the brain & body due to the visual aesthetics of the art
AS an ARTiST with
> i enjoy the challenge of blending together
* the CRaZY & the bEAUtifUL *
in a way that brings more
* into this WORLD . ♡
yoU'LL find ALL :
ORiGiNaL BLaCk & WHiTe MiNiMaLiSt PaiNtiNGS on CaNVaS
✚ CRaZY AbStRACt fACe ARt PAiNtiNGS& ORiGiNaL * CRaZY & bEAUtifUL * biPOLaR PoEtRY PAiNtiNGS on CaNVaS > .
i ALSO CReate, ...oohh SoOoo awwhhh...dorable
{ pOLkadOttYdOLLS } .
they're Huggable , Lovable , & Oh soOoo
adorable works of ART
... that will capture your HEART ! ♡
As an ARtiSt ,i have a
faSCiNatiON with iMAGiNAtiON
* &ART
is abEAUtifUL
reminder that^
^With AbStRACt ART ,
> an ENtiRE WORLd can eXiSt
within a single bRUShStRoKe . <
( capturing SPoNtaNeitY & JoY forever) &
forever changing the way YoU * SEE * the
WoRLd .
ART is a WoNDERfUL WaY tO BRiNG * JOY & BEAUTY * into YoUR LiFE and into yoUr WoRLd ...
& Nothing is MoRE Amazing fOr ME
than Sharing * MY WoRLd * witH YoU ! =)
Have fun L O O kin' around...
i'm sure you'll find something you love ! ♡
~ Lynda

♡ i believe that the meaning of life is to add meaning to your life ...& i am so very grateful to everyone who supports me as an artist - thank you for making my dreams come true. ♡